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Name                                           :          Dr. MANNE RAMA SUBBAMMA

Designation                               :          Professor

DOJ                                           :          14-12-2023

Highest Degree                         :          M.Tech, P.hD.

Total teaching experience         :         22 Years

Research area of interest          :          Harmonic Mitigation of AC Motor Drives using  Certain Converter Configuration 

Email id                                      :        ramasekharslv1@gmail.com   

Phone number                           :         8978024409

Publications list                         

  1. Rama Subbamma, “Power Quality Improvement Under Weak Grid Conditions With Hybrid Generalized Integrator”,  Compliance Engineering Journal, UGC- Care approved Group-II Journal, Volume 12, Issue 6, 2021, pp. 469-475, ISSN NO: 0898-3577, June 2021.
  2. Rama Subbamma, “Design and Analysis of PFC Converter Fed SRM for Air Conditioned Applications”,  Journal of Xidian University, a SCOPUS indexed Journal, VOLUME 14, ISSUE 9, September 2020, pp. 183-191, ISSN No:1001-2400, DOI: doi.org/10.37896/jxu14.9/020.
  3. Rama Subbamma, Dr.V.Madhusudhan, Dr. P. Sujatha “Design and Analysis of 4 kW SRM Drive for Air-Conditioned PWM Rectifier and Buck-Boost PFC Converter”   International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), a SCOPUS indexed Journal, Volume-9 Issue-1, October 2019, pp. 1344-1352, ISSN: 2249 – 8958, DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.A1166.109119.
  4. Rama Subbamma, Dr.V.Madhusudhan, Dr. P. Sujatha, “ Design of SRM for Air-conditioned Buck-Boost PFC Converter for Power Quality Improvement” International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE), a SCOPUS indexed Journal, Volume-7 No. 422, 2018, pp. 176-181, ISSN: 2227-524X.
  5. Maheswara Reddy1, M. Rama Subbamma2Design and Control of DC Power Electronic Transformer Based on Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Converters”, Adalya Journal, Volume8,Issue 9, September 2019,  pp.  1150 – 1156, ISSN : 1301-2746, Imact Factor 5.3.  DOI:16.10089.AJ.2019.V8I9.285311.6236 (An UGC- Care approved Group-A Journal).
  1. Chandra Suresh Reddy1, M. Rama Subbamma2, “Advanced Voltage Support and Active Power Flow Control in Grid Connected Voltage Source Converters Under Unbalanced Conditions” AdalyaJournal,Volume-8,Issue 9,September2019,pp.719-725. ISSN : 1301-2746, Imact Factor 5.3. DOI:16.10089.AJ.2019.V8I9.285311.6194(An UGC- Care approved Group-A Journal).
  1. Mubeena1, M. Rama Subbamma2, “ Analysis and design of a three-switch, three-port flyback inverter using power decoupling method in a single-phase grid-connected photovoltaic system”, Adalya Journal, Volume8, Issue 9, September 2019.  pp  695 – 699, ISSN : 1301-2746, Imact Factor 5.3. DOI:16.10089.AJ.2019.V8I9.285311.6190 (An UGC- Care approved Group-A Journal).
  2. Guru Kishore1, M. Rama Subbamma2 “A Hybrid Ac/dc Micro Grid With Parallel Operation Using Bidirectional Interfacing Converters Under Unbalanced Grid Voltage Condition”, International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, Volume 7, Issue 11, 2018, pp. 136-138, ISSN NO: 2279-543X, UGC listed Journal (Impact Factor 6.1), DOI: 16.10089.IJSRR.2018.V7I11.287391.2837.
  3. Amaravathi1, M. Rama Subbamma2 “Dynamic Performance Control of Photovoltaic Array Integrated with Unified Power Quality Conditioner”, International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, Volume 7, Issue 11, 2018, pp. 31-42, ISSN NO: 2279-543X, UGC listed Journal (Impact Factor 6.1), DOI: 16.10089.IJSRR.2018.V7I11.287391.2824.
  4. Rama Subbamma, Dr.V. Madhu Sudhan & Dr. P.Sujatha, “Design of SRM for Air-conditioned Buck-Boost PFC Converter for Power Quality Improvement” , International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE), Volume 7, No. 4.22, 2018, pp 176-181, ISSN: 2227-524X (SCOPUS).
  5. Rama Subbamma3 “Renewable Standalone Dc Micro grids With A Multivariable Optimal Energy Management Strategy” , International Journal of Research in Electrical Engineering [IJREE], Vol. 3, Issue 3, 2016, pp. 61-65, ISSN: 2349-2503
  6. Rama Subbamma2 “Solar Grid With Fault Ride Through With Single And Dual Stage Inverter Under Fault Condition” , International Journal of Research in Electrical Engineering [IJREE], Vol. 3, Issue 3, 2016, pp. 76-80, ISSN: 2349-2503.
  7. Rama Subbamma, Dr.V.Madhusudhan, Dr. K.S.R Anjaneyulu, Dr. P. Sujatha “Design and Simulation of PFC Converter for Brushless SRM Drive”   International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems [IJPEDS], a SCOPUSindexed Journal, Vol. 7, No. 3, September 2016, pp. 625-637, ISSN: 2088-8694, DOI: 10.11591/ijpeds.v7i3.9774
  8. Rama Subbamma, Dr.V.Madhusudhan, Dr. K.S.R Anjaneyulu “ SRM Speed Control With Various Converter Topologies” International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 5, Issue 6, June 2016, ISSN 2278-8875, pp 4939-4951(UGC).
  9. “ Analysis and Control of LVRT grid connected Multi- Terminal HVDC System” International Journal of Global Innovation, Vol.5, Issue 1, ISSN 2319-9345, pp 62-67, June 2016.
  10. Rama Subbamma, Dr.V. Madhu Sudhan “A Variable Speed PFC Converter For Brushless SRM Drive”,  International Journal on  Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 5, No. 1, February 2016, pp 31-44.
  11. Rama Subbamma , “Modeling And Simulation Of Grid Connected Inverter For Power Quality Enhancement By Using Cascaded Current- Voltage Control Strategy”, International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology, IJSEAT, Vol 3, Issue 1, pp 1165-1174. January-2015, ISSN 2321-6905.
  12. M.Rama Subbamma2, “Performance of Flexible D-STATCOM as a Flexible Distributed Generation in Mitigating Faults”, International Journal of  Advanced Scientific and Technical Research, IJAST , ISSN 2249-9954 , ISSUE 2, VOL 4, AUG’12. pp 75-86.
  13. M.Rama Subbamma, Dr.V.Madhusudhan, “Implementation of Performance Analysis of 18 pulse AC-DC converter fed Switched Reluctance Motor Drive to Robotics” International Journal of  intelligent electronic systems, IJIES , ISSN 0973-9238 , VOL 5, NO 1, JAN-JULY’11. pp 1-5.
  14. M.Rama Subbamma, Dr.V.Madhusudhan, “Performance Analysis of 12& 24 pulse AC-DC converter fed Vector controlled Induction Motor Drives” International Journal of  Emerging Technologies and applications in Engineering,Technology and sciences, IJ-ETA-ETS, Vol.4, issue 2, ISSN 0974-3588, July-Dec’2011.pp 368-374.
  15. M.Rama Subbamma, Dr.V.Madhusudhan, “Design aspects and analysis for higher order harmonic mitigation of converter feeding a vector controlled switched reluctance motor drives”  International Journal of  Emerging Technologies and applications in Engineering, Technology and sciences, IJ-ETA-ETS, Vol.4, issue 1, ISSN 0974-3588, Jan-June’2011.pp 411-415.
  16. M.Rama Subbamma, Dr.V.Madhusudhan, “Power flow studies and Power Oscillation damping in a large Power System Using FACTS Devices”, International Journal of Computer Applications in Engineering, Technology and Sciences, IJ-CA-ETS, volume 3,Issue 1,ISSN:0974-3596,October’ 10-March’ 11, pp 179-183.
  17. M.Rama Subbamma, Dr.V.Madhusudhan, “Performance Analysis of 12&18 pulse AC-DC converter fed Vector controlled permanent magnet Synchronous Motor Drives”, International Journal of  Emerging Technologies and applications in Engineering, Technology and sciences, IJ-ETA-ETS, Vol.3, issue 2, ISSN 0974-3588, July-Dec’2010.pp 409-413.

International Conference Publications:

  1. M.Rama Subbamma, Dr.V.Madhusudhan, Dr. P. Sujatha, “ Design of SRM for Air-conditioned Buck-Boost PFC Converter for Power Quality Improvement”, Proceedings of “International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Electronics, Power, Smart grids & Advanced Computing Technologies (IEEPS-18)” at VNRVJIET, Hyderabad during 9th & 10th March 2018.
  1. Rama Subbamma, Dr.V.Madhusudhan, “A Study of PFC Converters for SRM” Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology (ICRTEST), Hyderabad, October 25-27, 2016, ELSEVIER Energy Procedia 00 (2016) 000–000.
  2. Mrs. M. Rama Subbamma , Dr.V. Madhu Sudhan Dr. K.S.R.Anjaneyulu  & Smt. P.Sujatha, “Design Aspects And Analysis For Higher Order Harmonic Mitigation Of Power Converter Feeding A Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drives” Proceedings ofIEEE International Conference on Advances in Engineering, Science and Management (IEEE-ICAESM 2012) at E.G.S.PILLAY ENGG COLLEGE, Nagapattinam, Chennai, India, 30-31 Mar2012.
  3. Mrs. M. Rama Subbamma , Dr.V. Madhu Sudhan, “Optimal Power Flow Studies And Voltage Profile Analysis Of A Large Power System Using Facts Devices”2nd International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology  (ICAET 2012), CiiT Proceedings, E.G.S .PILLAY ENGG COLLEGE, Nagapattinam, Chennai, India, 29-30 Mar2012,
  4. M.Rama Subbamma, Dr.V.Madhusudhan, “Comparison of single phase cascaded and multilevel DC link inverter with pulsewidth modulation controlmethods”,  Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Intelligent systems, SEISCON-2011at Dr.M.G.R. University, India, 20 July 2011, pp 229-235,. ISBN: 978-9-38043-000-3,Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 02 February 2012, Publisher- IET,DOI: 10.1049/cp.2011.0366.
  5. M.Rama Subbamma, Dr.V.Madhusudhan, “Design and Implementation of Power converters for Wind Energy Conversion system”, Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent information systems and Management, IISM-2011, ISBN 978-1-4507-6434-6-2011 CiiT at R.V.S College of Engineering and technology, Coimbatore, India, 14-15 July 2011,pp119.
  6. M.Rama Subbamma, Dr.V.Madhusudhan, “Implementation of Performance Analysis of 18 pulse AC-DC converter fed Switched Reluctance Motor Drive to Robotics”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Robitics and Commutation Technologies , INTERACT -2010 at Satyabama university,Chennai,India, 3-5 December 2010,pp175,. 978-1-4244-9006-6/10-2010 IEEE.
  7. M.Rama Subbamma, Dr.V.Madhusudhan, “Wavelet Based Protection schemes for teed transmission circuits” , Proceedings of International Conference on Commutation, Computation ,Control & nano Technology at Rural Engineering College, Balki, Bidar Dt., Karnataka, India, 29-30 Oct 2010, pp 192-197,
  8. M.Rama Subbamma, Dr.V.Madhusudhan, “Power flow  and Voltage analysis of power transmission system using static var compensator”, Proceedings of International Conference on Commutation,    Computation ,Control & Nano Technology at Rural Engineering College, Balki, Bidar Dt., Karnataka, India, 29-30 Oct 2010, pp 871-874.

National Conference Publications:

  1. Mrs. M. Rama Subbamma, “Reactive power compensation & Power quality enhancement by DPFC” National Conference at AITS, Rajampet, 7-8 Sep 2012.


  • Convener for the Global Technostav/ Tech Fest-2K-15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 & 23 A National Level Symposium conducted at GCET.
  • Convener for “FDP on NBA”, GCET
  • Coordinator for “SSITS-2KX-A National Level Technical Symposium” at SSITS in 2010 and Convener for “Two day National Level workshop” at SSITS in 2011.
  • Convener of Women Empowerment Cell of theInstitute
  • Judge for Technical Symposium ISHANA’12 at K.S.R.M.C.E, KADAPA
  • Editorial board member for International Journal of International Journal of Scientific Research and Review (ISSN 2279-543).
  • Review Member for Computers and Electrical Engineering, Elsevier Journals, Amsterdam, Netherlands since 2015.
  • Review Member for International Journal for Research in Electrical Engineering (Reviewer ID: RVI15EE81180)
  • Awarded as Recognized Reviewerfor Computers and Electrical Engineering, September 2015, 16 and 17,Elsevier Journals, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Achieved Best paper Award in International conference INTERACT-2010 at Satyabhama university ,Chennai (in association with DRDO& IEEE)
  • Achieved Best Engineer Award from IEI, Kadapa Local Centre in the Year 2015


Seminars /Workshops/Webinars/FDPs/Conferences Attended

  • Workshops: 07
  • FDP’s:21
  • Webinars:62