Name : M. Mahammed Jabeer
Designation : Associate Professor
DOJ : 07-09-2023
Highest Degree : M.Tech
Total teaching experience : 16 Years
Research area of interest : Electrical Vehicle Technology & Charging System
Email id : jabeersir@gmail.com
Phone number : 9989325265
Publications list
1. Publised a Paper on "PSO Optimized FLC for the design of LFC" in IOSR journal ICRTET.
Conference Publications
1. Presented a conference paper on PSO Optimized FLC for the design of LFC during 28,29 july 2017.
2. Presented a conference paper on Wireless charging system for Electric Vehicles on 19th and 20 May 2023.
1. A Two day quality improvement program conducted by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research with the topic "Instrctional Design and Delivery" in S.K.T.R.M college of Engg, Kondair, M.B.N.R (dist), on 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sep 2006.
2. A National Seminar on "Reliability Engineering and Applications to Power Systems" in Vardhaman college of Engineering, Shamshabad, dt on 7th and 8th Dec 2007.
3. A National conference conducted in Guru Nanak Engineering College, Hyderabad, dt on 21st and 22nd Aug 2015.
4. Attended a Three Day Faculty Development Program (FDP) on STUDENTINDUCTION in SRIT proddatur, from 19-21 Dec 2019.
5. Attended One Day workshop on NAAC at JNTUA in 20th Jan 2020.
6. Attended a Five Day Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Instructional Design and Delivery System in SRIT, proddatur, from 10-14 Oct 2022.