Name : Dr.K Umakantham
Designation : Professor
DOJ : 10-07-2019
Highest Degree : Ph.D
Total teaching experience : 33 Years
Research area of interest : Material Technology, Ceramic Technology
Email id : uma.knth@gmail.com
Phone number : 9703972287
Publications list :
- O.Guru Brahmaiah, Structural Halucination of graphene and its amazing Properties & Applications INDO-KOREA virtual Conference DEVELOPMENT OF ADVANCED MATERIALS FOR FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES(DAMFT 2020)- COMMUNICATED
- KSR Murthy, K Umakantham, KSN Murthy, ‘Reconfigurable Notch Band Monopole Slot Antenna for WLAN/IEEE-802.11n Applications, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, ISSN: 2185-3118, Vol 10, No 6, Oct- 2017, pp 166-173. (Scopus Indexed).
- KSR Murthy, K Umakantham, KSN Murthy,‘U-Shaped Slotted Reconfigurable Monopole With WIMAX Band notching’, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Vol. Sp– 14 / 2017. (Scopus Indexed).
- K S R Murthy, K S N Murthy, K Umakantham , ‘Design and Analysis of a Reconfigurable Antenna for Dual Band ISM Medical and Wi-Fi Applications’. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ,ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-10, August 2019 (Scopus Indexed).
- K S R Murthy, K S N Murthy, K Umakantham , ‘Triangular Shaped Frequency Reconfigurable Monopole Antenna with Defected Ground Switching’ . International Journal of Control Theory and Applications ISSN : 0974-5572,Volume 9 • Number 44 • 2016
- Fabrication X-RD and Characterisation of Nano-Copper and its Alloys, Communicated to 29th MRSI Trichi India
- International journal of intelligent engineering and systems (IJIES) www.inass.org
- Reconfigurable notch bond monopole slot antenia for WLAN/IEEE-802.11n Applications
- Fabrication of Copper Meta – Material Through Metallurgical Technique And Its Advanced Applications.
- Study of Nano Copper Powder and it alloys for Industrial Application. Dr. k. Umakantham, Mr. K.Sreeram Murthy, Mr. Arjun Rao, Mr. Narshima Reddy
- 92. Futuristic Ceramics – Defense Application – Leading to Mems Devices.Dr. K. Umakantham, Dr. K.Chandra Mouli, Mr. K. Sree Rama Murthy.
- 91. Electronics & Sensing role of Nanotechnology in Optics Technologies Dr. K.Umakantham, Dr. K. Chandra Mouli, N. Sandeep 98th Indian Science Congress, 03-07, Jan 2011, SRM University, Chennai 90. Nanotechnology in optics, Electronics & Sensing Technologies Dr. K. Umakantham, Dr. K. Chandra Mouli, N.Sandeep
- 98th Indian Science Congress, 03-07, Jan 2011, SRM University, Chennai 89. Niobates for Transducer Applications, 21st AGM, p50, 2010
- Advanced Piezoelectric Transducers for High Frequency Applications 21st AGM, p57, 2010
- Grid computing (Guided) International Conference on Innovative Technologies (ICIT-09) June 18-19, p57, 2009
- Nanotechnology “Applications for Treatment of cancer” (Guided) International Conference on Innovative Technologies (ICIT-09) june 18-19, p466, 2009
- Existence and ultimate Rising Nanotechnology (guided) International Conference on Innovative Technologies (ICIT-09) June 18-19, P 467-2009.
- Piezoelectric for several Applications, International Conference on Innovative Technologies (ICIT-09) June 18-19, P 586-2009
- Electro ceramic Materials For sensor Applications Proceedings of International Conference Hi-Tech Materials (ICHTM – 09) 11-13 Feb, 2009, IIT Kharagpur, p 126
- Piezoelectric Transducers for High Frequency Applications Proceedings of International Conference Hi-Tech Materials (ICHTM-09) 11-13 Feb 2009, IIT Kharagpur, p 126(A)Articles published in referred International/ national journals
- Preparation and characterization of niobates, Part VI: Synthesis, XRD, SEM and piezoelectric studies of Potassium and Barium doped lead strontium niobates.
- Preparation and characterization of certain niobates part V: Dielectric and structural studies of Potassium and rare – earth doped Lead Meta niobates. IJPAP, 1998 Vol.36, P.648
- Structural properties of inorganic materials: Tungsten bronze ceramic materials Bull: Meter, Sciences, 19, 345, 1996
- XRD, Phase transition and piezoelectric properties of La doped PBN ceramics. Ind. J.Phys, Part(A), 5,55,1997
- Frequency relaxation in certain inorganic ceramics ijPAP, 35,52,1997.
- Anomalous electrical behavior in rare-earth doped strontium Barium Niobate ceramics. 75. Modified Lead titan are ceramics for ultrasonic transducers JPAU, 16, 1994
- Calculations and sintering studies of modified lend titan arte ceramic materials IJPAP, 32,756,1994
- Micro structural studies of certain Superconductors Ferroelectrics, 1994
- Effect of different cations on the ferroelectric properties of modified SBN ceramics. J.Mater. Sci, Lett. 11, 607, 1992.
- Effect of NB substitution on the piezoelectric properties of PLZT ceramics Ferroelectrics, 119, 119, 1991.
- Superconductivity in Pb doped Dy Ba Cu O system. Jpn. J.A.P.30,472,1992. 69.Influence of Rare-earth ions on the piezoelectric properties modified Pb TiO3 ceramics J.Master. Sci. Lett. 7, 1090, 1988.
- Modified (Na k) NbO3 ceramics for transducer applications. Ferroelectrics, 102,243,1990
- Ferroelectric properties of tungsten bronze ceramics Ferroelectrics, 102, 173,1990 67. Raman scattering studies of Na doped Sr (X) Ba(1-x) Nb2O6, Ferroelectrics, 94, 291, 1989
- Ferroelectric properties and microstructure of doped PbTiO3 ceramics. Ferroelectrics, 94,421, 1989.
- Ferroelectric piezoelectric properties of certain tungsten bronze ceramics Materials and processing Report (USA), An International Technology Bulletin, 5, No.9, Dec 1990.
- Ferroelectric behavior of Lanthanum doped (Na K) Nb O3 ceramics. Ferroelectrics 82, 141, 1988
- Effect of rare – earth ions the properties of modified (Sr ba) Nb206 ceramics. J.Mater. Sci. Lett. 6, 565, 1987
Conference publications :
- Relaxor characteristics of inorganic ceramic materials: Tungsten bronze type Materials. Proc.of DAE Symposium on Solid state physics, 36-C, 1995.
- Phase transition and piezoelectric properties of la doped PBN ceramics proc. Solid state. Phys. Symp Vol.34-C, 380, 1992.
- lattice parameters and dielectric studies of Pb (1-2x) KxGdxNb2O6 Proc. Solid, State Phys Symp Vol.34-C, 391, 1992.
- Ferroelectric properties of Mn doped PKN_BNN ceramics Proc. Solid. State Physics Symp Vol. 34-C, 392, 1992.
- Modified PMN-PZT ceramics for transducer applications. Proc. Int. Cong. Ultrasonic, 1990.
- Processing and characterization of Pb doped Yba cuO superconductor, proc. Int. Cong. Ultrasonic, 1990.
- Piezoelectric (NaK) NbO3 ceramics for transducer applications Proc. Nat. Symp. Acoustics, 199, 1987.
- Electromechanical properties of modified pbTio3 ceramics, proc. Nat. Symp. Acoustics, 199, 1987.
- Ferroelectric piezoelectric properties of Pb (Mgl/3 Nb2/3) O3-PZT system. Proc. Solid State Physics Symp. 30-C, 87, 1987.
- Preparation and characterization of modified SBN ceramics Proc. Solid State Phsyics Symp.30-C, 89, 1987.
- Ferroelectric properties of modified PBTiO3 ceramics. Proc. Solid State Physics Symp. 30-C, 89, 1987
- Lattice parameters and DC resistivity of solid solutions base on lead potassium Niobate, Proc. Solid State physics Symp. 30-C, 90, 1987
- Dielectric and piezoelectric properties of modified PbTi ceramics. Proc. Solid State Physics Symp. 30-C, 88, 1987
- Dielectric ferroelectric properties of solid solutions base on lead Meta niobates. Proc.6th IEEE, International Symp. Appl. Ferroelectrics, P 448, 1986
- Dielectric properties of modified PbTiO3 ceramics. Proc. 6th IEEE, International Symp. Appl. Ferroelectrics, P 448, 1986
- Conductivity of modified SBN ferroelectric ceramics. Proc. 6th IEEE, International Symp. Appl. Ferroelectrics, P 157, 1986.
- Ferroelectric properties of modified SBN ceramics. Proc. First. Nat. Seminar on defects in insulating solids, P 494, 1985
- Articles presented in International/ National conferences and work shops 45. Nd. Zn.Mn, and Nb doped lead titanate ceramics for PTC applications. National conference on Advances in condensed matter physics. Raman school of physics Pondicherry, Feb 26-28, 1998
- Structural, ferroelectric and polarization studies of PbBa Nb206 ceramics, National Conference on Advances in condensed matter physics. Raman School of physics Pondicherry, Feb 26-28, 1998
- Relaxor studies of Chromium doped SBN ceramic materials First Asian Meeting on Ferroelectrics (AMF-1) Oct 5-8, CHINA <1995.
- Modified Led Porassium Niobate Ceramics for piezoelectric device applications First Asian meeting on Ferroelectrics (AMF-1) Oct, 5-8, CHINA, 1990
- Comparative study of piezoelectric properties and hysteresis parameters of PMN. PZT ceramics Eighth International meeting on Ferro electricity, IMF – 8, P388, 1993
- Relax behavior in certain tungsten bronze ceramics Eighth International meeting on Ferro electricity, IMF – 8, P401, 1993
- Enhanced piezoelectric properties of (Pb Ba) 1-x Kx Nb2O6 ceramics Eighth 1993 International Meeting on Ferro electricity, IMF -8, 1993
- X-ray diffraction and microstructure of doped SBN ceramics Eighth International Meeting on Ferro electricity, IMF-8m 1993
- Ca, Ag coped lead barium niobate ceramics for piexoelectric device applications presented at National Symposium on Acoustics (NSA), 1992
- Low on modified Lead potassium niobate ceramics presented at National Symposium on Acoustics (NSA), 1992.
- Hysteresis and piezoelectric studies of Ca doped lead meta niobate ceramics presented at Indo – US workshop on perspectives in new materials, March 23-24, NPL, New Delhi , 1992.
- Microstructure and piezoelectric studies of Ca doped lead niobate ceramics presented at Indo – US workshop on perspectives in new materials, March 23-24, NPL, New Delhi , 1992.
- Relax characteristics of Na doped SBN ceramics Presented at Indo – US workshop on perspectives in new materials, March 23-24, NPL, New Delhi 1992.
- Preparation and characterization of BI-Sr-Ca-CuO ceramic superconductors press43ented at Indo-US workshop on perspectives in new materials, March 23-24, NPL, New Delhi, 1992.
- Modified Lead Potassium Niobate ceramics for piezoelectric device applications. 7th European meeting on Ferro electricity, 8-12 July, France, 1991 (accepted)
- Dielectric and Ferroelectrics properties of rare earth doped lead potassium niobate ceramics.
- 7th European meeting on Ferro electricity, 8-12, France, 1991 (accepted) Dielectric and Ferroelectrics properties of rate earth doped lead potassium Niobate Ceramics.
- 7th European meeting on Ferro Electricity, 8-12, France, 1991 (accepted)
- Structural and piezoelectric properties of calcium modified PBN ceramics 7th European Meeting on Ferro electricity, 8-12, France, 1991 (accepted)
- Relaxor behavior of Cr doped SBN ceramics. 7th European meeting on Ferro electricity, 8-12 France, 1991 (accepted)
- Preparation and characterization of Mn doped TIBaCaCuO superconductors, 7th European meeting on Ferro electricity, 8-12, France, 1991 (accepted)
- Structural , Dielectric and piezoelectric studies of modified PMN – PZT ceramics 7th European meeting on Ferro Electricity , 8-12, France, 1991 (accepted)
- Piezoelectric studies of modified PBN ceramics National symposium on acoustics (NSA – 91)1991
- Modified lead potassium niobate ceramics for Piezoelectric device application, National symposium on Acoustics (NSA – 91) 1991
- Dielectric and structural studies of Nd modified lead meta niobate.National conference on the oxide ceramics and technology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur
- Piezoelectric properties of modified lead barium niobate ceramics National conference on the oxide ceramics and technology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur
- Effect of Rare – earth ions on the ferroelectrics properties of PKN ceramics 6th Nat. Seminar on Ferroelectrics 17-19, Dec, Warangal
- Relaxor characteristics of SBN ferroelectrics ceramic 7th International meeting on Ferroelectrics (IMF-7)Aug 28th – 2nd Sep, West Germany, 1989 (accepted)
- Effect of additives on the properties of certain tungsten bronze ceramics. 7th International meeting on Ferroelectrics (IMF-7) Aug 28th – 2 Sep, West Germany, 1989 (accepted)
- Modified PZT ceramics with low sintering temperature. 7th International Meeting on Ferroelectrics (IMF-7) Aug 28th – 2 Sep, West Germany, 1989 (accepted)
- Structural properties of modified SBN ceramics 7th International Meeting on Ferroelectrics (IMF – 7) Aug 28th – 2nd Sep, west Germany, 1989 (accepted)
- X-Ray diffraction an phase transition studies in (NaK) NbO3 system. Presented at 5th National Seminar on ferroelectrics and Dielectrics, 3-5, jan 1988.
- Effect of additives on the ferroelectrics properties of strontium barium Niobated Ceramics. Presented at 5th National Seminar on Ferroelectrics and Dielectrics. 3-5 jan 1988.
- Ferroelectrics studies of Ca doped SBN ceramics Presented at National workshop Advanced on Ceramic materials, Aug 26-28 calcutta, 1988
- DC receptivity and lattice parameters of modified SBN ceramics. Presented at National workshop on Advanced Ceramic Materials, jan 3-5, 1988
- Microstructure and lattice parameters of modified PbTiO3 ceramics.Presented at National workshop on Advanced Ceramic materials, jan 3-5, 1988
- Applications of Electro ceramics, Every man’s Science, Vol. 33, P. 94, 1998 Inorganic ceramic materials for transducer applications KCM, KU, AB Inorganic materials for the New millennium – IMNM2001. Jan 18th 2001 MSRC ((IIT Madras)
- Studies on piezo electric PBTiO3 ceramics KCM, KU, AB Inorganic materials for the new millennium – IMNM2001. Jan – 18th 2001 MSRC (IIT Madras)
- Processing and characterizing of pb0.0625 ba0.10K0.10 RE3+ 0.15 Nb2O6 KCM, KU, AB International conference on processing of single crystal Feb -26-28, 2001, NPL New Delhi
- Characterization by XRD & SEM and hysteresis of metal ion doped PKN materials. KCM, KU, AB International conference on processing of single crystal
- Phase transition and piezo electric studies of doped lead barlum niobates. KCM, KU, AB Solid state Physics symposium dec 26-31, 2001 BARC Bombay
- Structural, Hysteresis and Piezo electric properties of modified PKN ceramics KCM, KU, AB Solid state Physics symposium dec 26-31, 2001 BARC Bombay
- Materials Research society of India (MRSI) 14th AGM and Theme Symposium on Novel polymers Feb 11-13, 2003, BARC, Mumbai
- Institution Industry Interaction KUK, BVR National Seminar on Industry and professional Academia Responsibility (NASPAR) Feb 9-10, 2007 G ITAM university Visakhapatnam
- Electrical Studies on BSLNN Ceramics KCM, PV, GSR, KUK Solid State Physics (India) 46 (2003)
Awards :
- Research Associate- Department of Science and Technology, Ned Delhi
- Junior Research Fellow (JRF – UGC)1983-88
- Senior Research Fellow (SRF – CSIR)1988-90
- Research Associate(RA-CSIR) 1990-95
- Pool Scientist (PO – CSIR) 1995 -98
- Research Associate (RA –DST) 1998-2000 UGC: University Grants Commission,
- New Delhi CSIR: Council of Scientific & Industrial
Teaching experience :
- Asst. Professor VITAM Engg. College, Parvatipuram Applied Physics, Engg. Physics Engg. Chemistry & Engg.Physics Labs 2001-2002.
- Associate Professor Pydah Engg. College, Visakhpatnam Solid State Physics 2002-2004.Professor Chaitanya Engg., College, Visakhapatnam, Applied Physics, Engg.Physics, Applied Chemistry, Engg. Chemistry & Applied Chemistry and Engg.Physics labs 2004 – 2009
- Principal, Nightingale Enginering Collge, Gidijala, Visakhapatnam, Applied Physics, Engg. Physics, Engg. Chemistry.
- Professor and Principal, Gonna Institute of Engineering & Technology, Paravada, Anakapalle, Visakhapatnam (AP) India.
- Professor and Principal, Swamy Vivekananda Engineering College, Kalavari – Bobbili (AP) India.
- Professor and Principal, Pydah Kaushik College of Engineering, Gambheeram, Visakhapatnam (AP) India.
- South Asian Institute Of Science and Engineering-SAISE
- Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
- Materials Research Society of India (MRSI) IISc, Banagalore
- Energy Conservation Mission, Hyderabad 6.Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA)
- IAENG (Member of International Association of Engineers)
Conferences / Seminars conducted
1. National Workshop on REACH (Relavance and Excellence In Achieving new heights in technical education) Jan 26-27, 2008.
2.Interface 2k4 Chaitanya Engg. College, Visakhapatnam.
3.Cavey Fest, NECW, Dec 29-31 2010 4. many more : Professor and Principal, Pydah Kaushik Engineeering College, Gambheeram, Visakhapatnam (AP) India.
Present Status: Professor.,Dean., R & D, NSRIT, Sontyam, Visakhapatnam Dist
Awards received and Positions held
- JRF – CSIR – College of Science and technology Andhra University SRF – CSIR – College of Science and Technology, Andhra University, RA – CSIR – College of Science and Technology, Andhra University.
- POOL SCIENTIST – CSIR – College of Science and Technology, Andhra University. RA-DST – College of Science and Technology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. JNTU EXAMINATIONS IN-CHARGE-VITAM and PYDAH Engg.Colleges
- FIRST YEAR CO ORDINATOR – Chaitanya Engg. College NBA CO ORDINATOR - Chaitanya Engg. College
- Coordinator for Andhra University Engineering Courses (Distance Mode)
- Professor and Head of the Department Humanities & Applied Sciences Chaitanya Engg. College, Visakhpatnam
- Principal, Nightingale Engineeering College (Ratified by JNTU – 2010) Gidijala, Visakhapatnam – 73
- Professor and Principal, Gonna Institute of Engineering & Technology, Paravada, Anakapalle, Visakhapatnam (AP) India.
- Professor and Principal, Swamy Vivekananda Engineering College, Kalavari – Bobbili (AP) India.
- Professor and Principal, Pydah Kaushik College of Engineering, Gambheeram, Visakhapatnam (AP) India.
- Regional coordinator – Engineers without borders – India
Invited Lectures and chairing the session
- Advanced Piezoelectrics for sensor applications International Conference on Innovative Technologies (ICIT – 09) 18-19 June, 2009 PDM College of Engineering, Bahadurgah, New Delhi (Haryana)
- Piezoelectric materials for sensor applications.Inter National conference on High Tech Materials (ICHTM – 09) 10 – 12 Feb, 2009 Department of Materials Science, IIT Kharagpur
- Chaired a Technical session entitled Environmental technology and management International Conference on Innovative Technologies (ICIT-09) 18-19 June, 2009 PDM College of Engineering, Bahadurgah, New Delhi (Haryana)
Guiding Ph.D/M.Phil students at present
- Mr.K Sree Ramurthy, Asst,Prof in ECE, Miracle Education Society group of Institutions, Miracle City, Bhogapuram, a bonafide research scholar at KLU, Guntur.
- Mr K Lakshmi Narayana, Asst.Prof, Gonna Institute of Information Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, bonafied research scholar, Andhra University,
- 25.20th National Seminar on Crystal Growth and Applications January 19 – 21, 2016, Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai
- 100th Indian Science Congress, Jadavpur University, Kolkata2013
- 99th Indian Science Congress, KIITS, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.2012
- 98th Indian Science Congress, 03-07, Jan 2011, SRM University, Chennai
- 21st Annual General meeting (AGM) of materials Research Society of India (MRSI) – Theme Symposium on Advanced Ceramic Materials Sardar Patel University, February 9-11, 2010.
- International Conference on Innovative Technologies (ICIT-09) 18-19 June, 2009 PDM College of Engineering, Bahadurgah, New Delhi (Haryana).
- Inter National Conference on High Tech Materials (ICHTM) – 09) 10 -12 Feb 2009 , Department of Materials Science, IIT, Kharagpur WOM – TECH 08
- Mathematical Techniques and their Applications to Engineering and Physical problems. Department of Humanities and Applied Sciences, MVGR Vizianagaram 23-24 May 2008.
- State level seminar on Nano Science and Technology Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology (VBIT) Hyderabad 27th October 2007
- National seminar on Industry and professional Academia Responsibility (NASPAR), 2007
- Materials Research Society of India (MRSI) 14th AGM and Theme Symposium on Novel polymers Feb 11-13, 2003, BARC, Mumbai
- Inorganic Materials for the New Millennium ImNM2001 January 18th 2001 MSRC (IIT Madras)
- International school of advanced Electronic Materials Feb, 6-15, 1995 Crystal Growth center, Anna University Madras.
- Indo-US workshop on perspectives in New Materials 23-24, March 1992, NPL, New Delhi
- Seminar on Refractories and Ceramics 12th -13th April, 1991, Steel Plant, Visakhapatnam 10. IX international course on physics of Materials 4-15 Feb, 1991, Dept. of Physics, IIT Madras
- National Seminar on Chemical Physics, 9-11, Feb, 1990, Raman School of Phsyics, Pondicherry.
- Indo – US work shop (with Japanese participation) on Electronic Ceramic and Materials. 14-16 Jan, 1989, NCL, Pune
- 5th national conference on Ferroelectrics and Dielectrics 3-5 Jan, 1989, S.V.U college of Eng. Tirupati.
- National workshop on Advanced Instrumentation (NSI 13) 26-28 Nov, 1988, Mysore. 05. National workshop on Advanced materials, 25-28 Aug 1988, Central Glass and Ceramic Institute (CGCRI)
- DAE symposium on solid state physics. 27-31 Dec. (1986), BARC, Bombay.
- 4th National Seminar on Ferroelectrics & Dielectrics. 22-24 Dec. (1986), IIT, Kharagpur.
- First National Seminar on Defects in Defects in Insulating Solids. 6-8 Nov. (1985), RIT Jamshedpur
- 3rd National Seminar on Ferroelectrics & Dielectrics, 17-19 Oct. (1984), IISC, Bangalore.