Designation : Assistant professor
DOJ : 10-07-2019
Highest Degree : Ph.D
Total teaching experience : 3 Years
Research area of interest : Graph Theory
Email id : tlakshmiyvu@gmail.com
Phone number : 6300804350
Publications list :
- Nagalakshumma Tippaluri, Devendra Jangiti, Madhavi Levaku., ’The Nilpotent Cayley Graph of the residue class ring (Z_n,⊕,⊙)’’,Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Volume 10,Issue 6 June 2019. www.compmath-journal.org.
- Nagalakshumma Tippaluri, Madhavi Levaku, Devendra Jangiti., ‘’The vertex domination of the Nilpotent Cayley graph of the residue class ring (Z_n,⨁,⨀)’’, IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM) e-ISSN: 2278-5728, p-ISSN: 2319-765X. Volume 15, Issue 4 Ser. I (Jul – Aug 2019), PP 01-07. www.iosrjournals.org.
- Devendra Jangiti, Madhavi Levaku, Nagalakshumma Tippaluri., “The Radius, Diameter, girth and Circumference of the Zero-Divisor Cayley Graph of the Ring (Z_n,⨁,⨀)” IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM) e-ISSN: 2278-5728, p-ISSN: 2319-765X. Volume 15, Issue 4 Ser. I (Jul – Aug 2019), PP 58-62. www.iosrjournals.org.
- Devendra Jangiti, Nagalakshumma Tippaluri, Madhavi Levaku., ‘’The zero-divisor Cayley graph of the residue class ring (Z_n,⨁,⨀)’’, Malaya Journal of Mathematic Vol. S,No.1,590-594, 2019. https://doi.org/10.26637/MJM0703/0036. www.compmath-journal.org.
- Madhavi Levaku, Devendra Jangiti, Nagalakshumma Tippaluri., “The vertex domination of zero-divisor Cayley graph of the residue class ring (Z_n,⨁,⨀)”, Journal of Computer and MathematicalSciences, Volume10,Issue9,pp 1589-1567, September2019. www.compmath-journal.org.
- Madhavi Levaku, Devendra jangiti, Nagalakshumma Tippaluri., “Edge Domination of the Zero-Divisor Cayley Graph of Residue Class Ring (Z_n,⊕,⨀)"Journal of Xidian University, volume 15, ISSUE8, 2021,ISSN No:1001-2400.
- Madhavi Levaku, Nagalakshumma Tippaluri, Devendra jangiti., “The neighbourhood set and the neighbourhood graph of the nilpotent Cayley graph of the residue class ring(Z_n,⊕,⨀)"journal of mathematics and statistical science,vol.8,issue3,march2022.
Conference Publications :
- Presented a paper entitled “The Independence Number and Chromatic Number of Mangoldt Graph” in the National Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics (NCRAPAM 2017) organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam (Women’s University), Tirupati, during 6th -7th March, 2017, in association with International Journal of Research in Science and Engineering (IJRISE).
- Presented a paper entitled “Enumeration of k- cycles in a Cayley Graph”, in the National Conference on Recent Advances in Graph Theory and its Applications organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam (Women’s University), Tirupati, sponsored by APSCHE, during 27th -28th July 2017.
- Presented a paper entitled “Enumeration of Triangles In Octic Residue Cayley Graphs”, in the One Day UGC-Sponsored National Seminar on “Advances in Research and Innovations In Mathematics” , organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, on 7th September, 2018.
- Presented a paper entitled “Enumeration Basic Hamilton Cycles in Octic Residue Cayley Graphs”, in the “APSC-2018”, organized by Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, during 9th -11th November, 2018.
- Presented a paper entitled “Vertex Domination of Idempotent Cayley Graphs”, in the “National conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics & XXVII Congruence of APTSMS”, organized by Department of Mathematics, Maris Stella College (Autonpmous), Vijayawada, A.P., during 8th -10th December, 2018
- Presented a paper entitled “Neighbourhood Graph of the Nilpotent Cayley Graphs”, in the “International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications (ICMSA-2019)”, organized by Department of Mathematics, School of Technology, Githam (Deemed to be University), Hyderabad, during 9th -11th August 2019.
- Presented a paper entitled “Zero-divisor Cayley graph of the residue class ring (Z_n,⨁,⊙)”, in the “National conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics & XXVII Congruence of APTSMS”, organized by Department of Mathematics, Sanskrit vidhyapeeth (Autonpmous), Triupati, A.P., during 8th -10th December, 2019.
Memberships in the Professional Bodies:
- Andhra Pradesh Society for Mathematical Sciences. LM No. :1158
- Indian Mathematical Society. UM No : L/2020/129